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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze pedagogiche e management della formazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile

Blended Intensive Program (BIP)

The Blended Intensive Program (BIP) “Education toward a sustainable future” is an educational opportunity structured and delivered by the FORLILPSI Department.
The purpose of the programme is to educate future professionals to address sustainability challenges in innovative and creative ways.
Through participatory methodologies participants will be able to understand and articulate the concepts of sustainability and sustainable development.

Another aim of the educational programme is to foster internationalization which enable to build a strong network for mobility of students and staff, both from the university of Florence and from partner universities.

This BIP is part of the Euniwell alliance.

The EUniwell alliance allows the sustainability of the project in the long term because has set the ground to build long lasting formal partnerships but also non formal network between participants.

Thanks to the BIP, master's students in the Course “Pedagogical science and management of education for sustainable development” and faculty members of the the department will be able to engage with Eurpopean colleagues on sustainability issues, increasing their knowledge.

During the blended intensive program 2023, a range of participatory methodologies were employed, including group activities, outdoor experiential learning, and future thinking workshops.

These interactive approaches fostered collaboration and engagement among participants, leading to several key outcomes. Notably, a new network between universities emerged, facilitating interdisciplinary connections and resource sharing. The program also encouraged cross disciplinary-contamination between students, enriching their perspectives on sustainability.

Additionally, participants completed pre and post-training skills assessments, creating a radar of competencies that highlighted their growth. Lastly, a professional portfolio was developed, allowing students to critically rethink the evolution of core competencies related to sustainability across past, present, and future contexts. This integrated experience not only deepened their understanding of sustainability but also prepared them for future challenges in the field. 

So for the third consecutive year, the Forlilpsi Department of the University of Florence is offering the BIP “Education toward a sustainable future”. Below some information about the BIP:

Period of BIP:
•⁠  ⁠In presence: from 5th to 9th of May
•⁠  ⁠On line: 28th of April and 19th of May

•⁠  ⁠Bachelor students
•⁠  ⁠Master students
•⁠  ⁠Phd students
•⁠  ⁠Junior researcher & professors

Per maggiori informazioni scrivere a: 
ultimo aggiornamento: 30-Set-2024
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