Rules and Regulations
The University Academic Regulations (Regolamento didattico d'Ateneo) regulate the system and organisation of Degree and Specialisation Programmes offered by the University of Florence, in accordance with current legislation.
The Academic Manifesto (Manifesto degli Studi d'Ateneo) contains all regulations pertaining to students (registration and enrolment, fees and concessions, Degree Programme transfers, etc.). It also contains the educational offer for the academic year to which it refers.
The Teaching System of the Degree Course defines the name of the course and the class to which it belongs; the Learning Objectives, the expected learning outcomes; the professional profile and employment opportunities; the general framework of educational activities with the corresponding number of credits, type (basic activity, subject-specific,...), disciplinary field and scientific-disciplinary sector; the characteristics of the final test for the achievement of the degree.
The Master's Degree Teaching System is the regulatory document that defines and organises the educational and training the curriculum of the the Master's degree course