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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze pedagogiche e management della formazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile

Outgoing Job Placement

The Degree course, in addition to implementing targeted initiatives to promote job orientation, makes use of the services that the University of Florence makes available to its students.

Service Points dedicated entirely to career service and job placement needs of students, graduates, doctoral and PhD students of the University of Florence, aim to provide adequate responses to the needs and expectations of users, offering support services tailored to the choices of young people "building their future".

The University of Florence's Job Placement services are divided into four lines of action:

There are a total of eight Service Points in eight different locations in the University. 

More information can be found on the University's Career Service and Placement web pages.

For more information or for an outgoing orientation interview, you can contact the Degree course Chair or the Placement Delegate.

last update: 22-Jan-2024
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